Are Heralds More Powerful Than Nobility

In the Forgotten Realms, nobility is a complex concept not entirely in the hands of the nobles themselves. Nobility isn’t portable; a noble title from Neverwinter holds little sway in Baldur’s Gate. Adventurers often self-declare nobility in the Border Kingdoms, but these titles, often grandiose and absurd, are typically won by the sword or through marriage.

The High Heralds, play a crucial role in establishing noble rankings. They don’t use force but wield influence through censure. Their judgments are rarely disputed, and they determine a noble’s rank at gatherings outside their home city or realm. Their authority is particularly valued in Sembia and the Border Kingdoms, where titles are recent and often self-invented.

A newly confirmed baron demanding privileges in their barony can be refused if the Heralds dispute their title. Even priests, aware of the rightful title holder, will refuse service to an “impostor” due to the Heralds’ influence on their status among the populace. In Faerûn the perception of nobility is as significant as the title itself.