What is an Actual Play?

An Actual Play is a type of content in the realm of Tabletop Role-Playing Games (TTRPGs) where a game session is recorded and shared, typically via audio or video formats. It’s characterized by its raw and unedited nature, capturing the authentic dynamics, interactions, and unpredictability of a TTRPG session.

What is a Replay?

A Replay in the context of Tabletop Role-Playing Games (TTRPGs) is an edited and curated version of an Actual Play. It can take the form of a written story or a narrated story, delivered by a single individual. The Replay focuses on providing a streamlined narrative experience, emphasizing story arcs and character development, and is edited for clarity, pacing, and dramatic effect. It’s a way to relive the TTRPG session in a more polished and engaging format.

What is an Episodic (Drop In) Format?

An Episodic or Drop In format is akin to a TV show where each episode is a self-contained story, beginning and ending within its runtime. This contrasts with a Serial format where episodes are interconnected.

What are the benefits of using an Episodic format over a Serial format in TTRPGs?

The Episodic format, similar to many TV shows, allows for understanding of the current scenario without prior knowledge of previous episodes. In contrast, a Serial format, like a book series or show, necessitates familiarity with all preceding episodes for comprehension. Our preference for Episodic format stems from its inherent flexibility, accommodating participants’ schedules by allowing them to skip episodes as needed.